NDACTE announces 2022 state award winners

Submitted Photo Pam Stroklund, career and technical education director for the Minot Public Schools, holds her award as administrator of the year.
Pam Stroklund, career and technical education director for the Minot Public Schools, was named administrator of the year at the North Dakota Association for Career and Technical Education conference on Aug. 8 in Bismarck. Baily Hawbaker, an agriculture education teacher at Stanley High School, was named the new teacher of the year in agriculture education at the conference.
According to the association, Stroklund was honored for taking on new challenges with excitement and passion. The district has added new CTE programming and increased work-based learning opportunities under her leadership.
Minot Public Schools was the first school in the state to offer PLTW Biomedical Sciences. Stroklund co-chairs the Minot Area Career Expo, which she initiated in 2021 for area high school students. She has been a leader in providing nontraditional programs. In 2005, Minot Public Schools received the National “Programs That Work: Preparing Students for Nontraditional Careers” Award on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
In 2016, Stroklund received the Outstanding Leader in Experiential Education, awarded by the National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) held in San Antonio, Texas. In 2022, she received the Excellence in Leadership awarded by the Minot Public Schools.
Hawbaker is in her fourth year of teaching. She has degrees in agricultural education and agricultural economics with a minor in animal science from North Dakota State University. Hawbaker is an active member in NDAAE, serving as the District 1 vice president and is part of the Professional Development Committee. She is currently the president of the Mountrail County Fair Board and secretary of the Mountrail County 4-H Council.